5 Easy Success In Progress Steps To Take Today

Do you want to be in Success In Progress? If you are as excited as me to be starting out in the success journey, on your way to becoming your own role model or your future self, you would love to read the below life changing yet easy steps to get you started in Success In Progress journey.

Many successful people say this is the phase they loved the most. It is better than being in the successful state.

“Success is a process, not an event”- Gary Halbert

After learning about the 5 steps, I hope that you will be inspired to take your own first step to get into your success in progress state. That is exactly why I started out with this blog. To inspire at least one of you to get in this journey.

1. Take out your notepad on your phone or physical notebook.

I did in my iphone.

2. List out what’s most important to your future self. What kind of person you want to be in 20 years.

For me it was 9 aspects or goals – financial independence, intellectual mind, glowy and healthy skin, toned and healthy body, work that I love, close relationship with my parents, my husband, my 2 kids and closest few friends

3. Put a 1 liner action against each goal.

This is the step to list out the actions to take today in order to become your role model in 5, 10 or 20 years. For example, intellectual mind – read 1 book a month, toned and healthy body – exercise 4x a week.

4. Rate yourself where you are currently on each of the aspects.

e.g. intellectual mind – 20%, toned and healthy body- 40% etc

5. Get to action

I want to share my thought process, specific steps taken (and continue to take) as I go on my journey to becoming THE version of myself that I want to be. Why? Because I am sure there are many others like me, in the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s who are as motivated and inspired to age well and be successful (in their own definition of success), i.e. Be their Own Role Model. That to me, is what happiness means. It’s not a goal, it’s a process of reflecting on my own little/big accomplishments and the desire to continue to be inspired to grow in the aspects I care about.

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