5-step process of setting myself up for success

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I have 5 systematic steps for every goal I set. This works for big goals like becoming a top entrepreneurial blogger or becoming my own role model in 20 years.

  1. Set the goal to be
  • Aspirational – no point setting goals that are too realistic or safe. Inspire and motivate yourself by setting an aspirational goal, in order to get yourself excited to meet it. BYORM version: Become an entrepreneur working on things I love and be financially independent. This is aspirational for me because 1. I’m currently employed, not an entrepreneur 2. I’m not technically working on things I love in my job. I don’t hate my job but I wouldn’t say I love my job. What I love is to learn self growth lessons and share with the community who are interested in self growth like me 3. I’m not financially independent yet
  • Specific – BYORM version: Entrepreneurial influencer, working on things I love and earning >SGD20k/month

2. Write down the goal. I wrote down in my journal. I’m writing it down here on my blog now. We have so many thoughts and intentions going through our minds everyday, many studies have shown the value of writing out or recording your important thoughts down. These could be ideas you can further develop on in the future and could be a good source of reflection as you re-read them in the future. BYORM version: I have written down in my journal, as and when I reflect and review I edit the goal (initially it was 10k/month in 2023 when I first initially planned, then it became 20k/month as I got more aspirational ◡̈ I use these goals as my password so that this goal is in my day to day as a reminder.

3. Believe! in you meeting the goal. Remove the small or big self-doubts (e.g. I don’t think I’ll actually meet the goal, it’s too aspirational). Why? All successful people have done this to achieve their goals. Those who have met remarkable, aspirational goals believed in themselves. There is no other option. “The key to getting started down the right path of being remarkable in anything you do is to simply act with the intention of being remarkable”- Chad Fowler BYORM version: I totally believe in myself becoming a successful entrepreneur in whatever field that I’m in that I have told those around me “I will be succeessful! in 10 years” and I actually mean it ◡̈

4. Systemize the path to success. I have yet to read the book by Scott Adams “How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big: Kind of the Story of My Life” but I have watched a book review on this book and I have just ordered the book on Amazon ◡̈ I think the book will be talking about how anyone cannot not succeed if we systemize the small steps into a routine and keep at it until we reach the goal. BYORM version: 1. Read 100 articles by 25 top bloggers – so I can identify the thematic similarities in their writing styles, SEO optimization tactics etc and then emulate (take action!) into my own blog. As of now, I have read 13 so far since I started about a week ago. 2. Write a blog every week incorporating what I’ve learned. 3. Set up BYORM on other social media platforms – Pinterest, Instagram first and then Youtube at some point. I’m sure I’ll have more steps as I learn more of these tactics (SEO optimization, pillar articles, tutorials etc) but you get the idea. Once I start to incorporate and take action on my own blog, how would I not succeed? Kelly Choi and many other entrepreneurs who become successful from scratch and from poverty have said 1 thing in common – study the people who have already become successful in your industry, emulate them in whatever actions they had taken (you can get these from their books) and consistently take the same actions. That’s systemizing the path to your own success. This applies to any sector, e.g. if you want to open a cafe and be successful, instead of just opening a cafe in the style you want, why don’t you first read 20 books on successful cafe owners and learn from their takeaways and then open your cafe? Is there any harm?

5. Lastly…enjoy the process to success. “If you are not havign fun, you’re not going to be excellent”- Chad Fowler. I am still in the process of getting to my version of success, so this is the most enjoyable part of the process. It’s not after I’ve achieved my goal. Interesting I say this given I haven’t got there and felt what it feels like to have achieved my goal but this is the exact point of having read others who have achieved and shared. BYORM version: I felt so excited to have written my first blog, to have started my first website and current process of working towards my goal. This is me working on things I love and working towards my goal.

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